Surge Entrepreneurs Collective

Most entrepreneurs would tell you their journey is lonely, especially as they continue to grow their business - the larger it gets, the more difficult it can become at the top.The Surge Entrepreneurs Collective is a group of 12-18 entrepreneurs and small business owners who meet for monthly peer coaching. These peer coaching groups are designed to be powerful and effective for the practical and every day needs of running and leading businesses while discussing the centrality of Jesus in all areas of life of entrepreneurship. Surge is partnering with a local serial entrepreneur to launch these groups.
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Most entrepreneurs would tell you their journey is lonely, especially as they continue to grow their business - the larger it gets, the more difficult it can become at the top.The Surge Entrepreneurs Collective is a group of 12-18 entrepreneurs and small business owners who meet for monthly peer coaching. These peer coaching groups are designed to be powerful and effective for the practical and every day needs of running and leading businesses while discussing the centrality of Jesus in all areas of life of entrepreneurship. Surge is partnering with a local serial entrepreneur to launch these groups.